12 Reasons A Website Revamp is Exactly What You Should Do

A website revamp already? It probably feels like you just did one… how bad could your website be to need another revamp?

reasons to revamp your website

You should be asking yourself, is my website doing everything it can for my customers?


A responsive, nice-looking, and easy to use website is crucial for business success today.

But a website revamp can be a significant investment, so…

How often is too often?

I’m not sure there is a statistic for that, but if you visit Godaddy very often, I would say their updates would be the benchmark for that. Every time I login the whole user interface is different.


You probably know that your website needs some reworking, but you are not sure where to start.

Or you need to find valid reasons to convince your boss or the management to invest in a total website revamp.


Here are 12 telltale signs that it is time to start the process for website redesign.


1. It is Old and Outdated

Many online businesses use the 3 year rule for doing a major website revamp.

The age of your site may provide a sufficient answer to the question of why redesign your website. Your company’s website urgently needs reworking if it is five years or older, for several reasons.

The main reason is that there have been tremendous technological advancements in the digital marketing arena over the past half-decade.

Another reason to redesign an old website is that it has become monotonous. An outdated site gives the impression that you are too busy to improve your services or you do not care about giving your online visitors a better experience.

None of the implications is favorable to your brand.


2. Your Brand Has Changed

Your site is the first contact the world has with your business.

Consequently, it should convey the current status of your business. If your company earned a new award, certification or added a new product, your website should reflect them.


The same is true when your brand has grown since the audience has changed. It makes the past content of your site irrelevant. Your new clients might also be used to a different online experience.


3. Competitor Websites Looking Better

Keeping up with the Joneses might not be a great idea in personal life, but it is necessary, to some degree, in business. It is especially important in the digital world where trends are the pacesetters of success.

It’s more than just trends though, because many trends in the online world affect user experience – and that really matters.

According to the Adobe State of Content report, more than 7 out of 10 (73%) respondents say content “must display well on the device.” If the content isn’t fast-loading and easy consume, you risk losing your audience.

65% of website visitors wouldn’t submit a form if too much personal information was required

46% of website visitors claim a ‘lack of message’ will cause them to leave


Consequently, if your competitors have reworked their website, you should start thinking about the same. Additionally, if related sites are implementing a specific similar pattern, you should follow suit. It might involve including a live chat section, adding blogs, or just rearranging the layout. Only remember to be creative while at it.


4. Bad SEO

One reason why you need a website is to make your business available on the internet. Search engine optimization is the key to achieving this. The right SEO strategy leads to a higher ranking on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines.


Bad SEO, on the other hand, makes it hard for the search engines to find pages on your website. Adding a search engine optimization tool might solve the problem, but redesigning will sort out many underlying technical issues as well as content navigation.



5. Poor User Experience

Graphics and content lose value if the user doesn’t see them.

In a world of fast internet connectivity and unlimited cloud space, many users cannot withstand a slow website. One of the signs of a good website is a loading speed of less than 5 seconds.


Complex navigation is another cause for poor user experience. Very few people will see your product or services if the list is hidden under two or more clicks. Sometimes, the site is just too cluttered.


6. Dead Points

Does your website have non-functional parts such as dead buttons, links, pages, and tabs?

If yes, then fix them ASAP as they imply you are too careless or lazy to start what you finish. In case they have been there for a while then you probably do not need them. A website revamp will help you eliminate these annoying features and rearrange your content correctly.


7. Security Issues

Have noticed any possible security issues with your website? Or does it look untrustworthy?

Revamping your website’s design is also necessary if you have introduced functionalities such as online payment.


You can sort the common security concerns by changing your web hosting options. Select the types of web hosting that fit your goals. Website security tools also come in handy in making your website safe to use.


8. Difficulties Adding New Tools

Changing with the changes in the content marketing industry requires that you often add new tools to your website. When you cannot do this, or the process is complicated, then you should redesign the site.


9. Unresponsive on Mobile Devices

More than 80 percent of internet connections are on mobile devices.

Users expect websites to behave the same way on their mobile phones as on their laptops.


Consequently, most people will never revisit a site when they realize they cannot view the content on the different devices they have. This makes Mobile responsiveness pivotal to the success of your digital marketing strategy.


10. Your Business is Not Socially Visible

Social media is currently the biggest platform for business.

Networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram offer unlimited access to future clients. It is no surprise, therefore, that over 2 million businesses advertise on Facebook alone.


A website is the channel entrepreneurs use to make their businesses visible on these platforms. You can redesign your site to enable seamless sharing of your content. It will also make it possible to create and nurture an online community.


11. Your Marketing Team Needs a Full Control

Business online pages are virtual salespersons. Consequently, your digital marketing team would want to continually update them to test and improve the performance of their strategy. It can cause access management frictions.


You can sort some of the issues using a content management system (CMS). However, the access is still limited. Consequently, your marketing team will always need to seek help from developers. You can redesign your website to make managing it easy and frictionless.


12. You Have a Better Idea

Sometimes, you do not need a better reason for redesigning your web pages other than that you have a better idea. You might want to change the themes, content layout, add or remove a tab or two. As long as it does not hamper user experience, try it.



So, how often should you redesign your website?

The best practice is to do it as soon as you notice the need for it. Like advertising, your website’s design needs are bound to change with time. You should revamp your website to keep up with the changes in the external business environment and to address the internal changes in your business.