10 Hacks To Design Landing Pages That Shine Online

Learn how to design landing pages that shine, because mastering landing page design means mastering the gateway to your lead funnel.

10 Hacks To Design Landing Pages That Shine Online

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Landing pages are one of the most important aspects for any business, especially when it comes to generating leads and sales. A well-designed landing page can make or break your conversion rates and revenue. If you want to design landing pages that will boost leads, conversions, and sales, here are some hacks specially made for you!

1. Stick to a Single Goal on Your Landing Page

A landing page is a small and specific page for your product or service. You are going to have only one goal on this site: Convincing the visitor that they need what you’re offering. Therefore, only show things relating to that single goal.  Don’t mention features or products if they’re not relevant to your conversion goal.

2. Use Strong Headlines and Subheadings on Your Landing Page

Headlines are important for grabbing attention, but you should also use subheadings to break up your content into easily digestible chunks. People will be reading this page quickly. Therefore, giving them a chance to skim is key! Make sure that each headline has at least one strong benefit of using your product/service in it. This is a great way to make your page easy for people to read.

3. Use Lots of White Space on Your Landing Page

White space is important in design because it provides breathing room, making the content more readable and easier to scan. It is overly important when you’re designing landing pages! Make sure that there’s enough white space between paragraphs so that readers can easily find what they’re looking for- especially if the information is dense or long.  Additionally, avoid unnecessary text at all costs (e.g. “Lorem Ipsum”). It will just bog down your site and confuse visitors who are trying to get out quickly with an answer about whether or not they want your product/service!

4. Avoid Bulky Buttons That Don’t Fit the Theme

In general, you want to have large buttons in order to inform visitors of their options. Buttons that don’t match your design theme can actually be a turn-off for customers who are looking for something aesthetically pleasing! If you’re going with a pink button and it’s not part of the colour scheme or style on your site then people might think “Whoa this is so out-of-place!”  Make sure that all major features/benefits appear visibly on at least one clickable area (CTA). This will keep things consistent as well as make them easy to find.

5. Use Visual Imagery That Resonates With Your Audience

People respond better when they see themselves reflected in what you offer. If you’re selling a service for single mothers, then make sure that your landing page has images of happy women with children. This will speak to their needs and interests in a way that no words ever could! Also, make sure you get professional business logo design, so that your logo also resonates with your audience just like the imagery.

6. Think About the Length When You Design Your Landing Pages

People have short attention spans (especially on mobile devices) so it’s important to keep things brief but informative. The longer they stay on your site without making any sort of decision about whether or not they want what you offer, the less likely it is that they’ll convert. Try using bullet points when possible instead of paragraphs because people are much more likely to read them as opposed to reading through lots of text before deciding if they need what you’re offering or not.  People will also be more likely to read through your pages if they know what to expect. Therefore, it’s helpful to have a “Would you like this?” or “Learn More” button somewhere on the page in order for them to quickly get out of their way!

7. Don’t Use Your Landing Page as an Advertorial Tool

A landing page is meant for one thing and that is convincing visitors into converting. If people are not clicking on anything then they’re probably not interested- even if you think that there might be something wrong with the design.  The best option here would be to make edits (maybe change up some colors) and see how customer behavior changes over time before making big alterations. You can always come back later once you’ve seen how people are responding to your page.

8. Limit Navigation Options On The Sidebar Of Your Landing Page

This can seem like counterintuitive advice as navigation is, in many cases, a key factor of user experience. However, on landing pages it can actually be an impediment to your success if the navigation links are too distracting! Most people will simply want to convert so you don’t need lots of options taking up space that could otherwise be used for information.

9. Have “Call To Action” Buttons That Lead Visitors In The Right Direction

Do not make people guess where they should go next after visiting your landing page. Lead them with clear directions in form of banners or buttons saying things like “Click here for more information” or “Take a Tour”.

10. Keep It Simple with Short Paragraphs and Bullet Points

The most important part of your landing page is the content. Make sure to keep it simple, short paragraphs can be as engaging as longer ones! Put bulleted points in between paragraphs to break up long text blocks and make the article easy on the eyes. Plus, shorter sentences are easier for people’s brains to process which will lead them into making an informed decision about whether they want what you’re offering. 

Bonus Tip: Don’t Waste Time – Keep Your Landing Page Design Simple and Straightforward

A lot of us get too caught up in a design that we forget our primary goal isn’t just to look pretty- it’s to get people to take an action. Don’t make your landing page too busy by placing text and images in every corner of the screen- it will only confuse potential customers, which will lead them away from converting into leads or sales! Keep it simple!

In conclusion, there are a lot of things to think about when designing your landing page. Make sure that it has an interesting introductory paragraph, offers something unique and relevant for the audience you’re targeting, keeps content short and concise with bullet points in between paragraphs, make sure navigation links aren’t too distracting on the sidebar, and follow the tips above. This way, you achieve your goals and objectives in no time.